Friday, November 26, 2010

Eye Tattoos – Good God, Scary is an Understatement

Beauty Taboos - Eyeball Tattoos - Smarter Beauty Blog

There I was quickly flipping through the boob tube, searching for something to watch … suddenly an image of a completely ebony eyeball popped onto the screen!!

This was not your run of the mill costume contact either, the program was about Cultural Taboos and I happen to catch the tail end of the EYE TATTOO segment!!! I believe it was on National Geographic Channel (which I love) and they have this segment on cultural taboos every Wednesdays at 10pm that highlights different practices from around the world that is often viewed as strange or down right grotesque.
Well I pride myself on being relatively liberal in all aspects of my life, and my stance on Beauty is very much “to each his/her own”. If it makes you feel beautiful and happy then by all means sport a bone threw your nose and rock your mullet! :) This doesn’t mean I am not shaking with laughter on the inside but I would NEVER infringe my idea of beauty on another.

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