Sunday, May 30, 2010

Star Wars Papercraft: Mini Republic Gunship

The Light Armored Assault Transport (LAAT), also known as a "Republic Gunship", first appeared in Star Wars Episode 1. describes these gunships as "rugged, combat-equipped repulsorcraft... covered in weapons, offering air-to-ground and air-to-air support as well as serving as an infantry transport." This papercraft LAAT was created by "Starfreak" and at 1:430 scale, is only 4 cm (1.5") long. This model is only for those who own a pair of tweezers and a load of patience. ;) The PDF template may be downloaded here.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dita Von Tesse, Sexy Tattoo Girl

Dita Von Tesse, Sexy Tattoo GirlWhen one first thinks of the famous burlesque dancer, Dita Von Tesse, tattoos don't necessarily come to mind. But Dita has a little secret. She has one tattoo and it is very noticeable and out in the open. Almost no one until now knew it was a tattoo. The famous mole on her left cheek is actually not a mole at all, it is a tattoo. It seems that Dita didn't plan on getting this timeless birthmark tattooed on her face. She actually went into the tattoo parlor and asked for a star to be tattooed on her cheek instead. Thank goodness for the tattoo artist she spoke to because he talked her out of that regretful tattoo and suggested she get something a little more timeless and elegant. Thus her beauty mark, mole tattoo was born.

"You have to understand I was pretty eccentric. I was always drawing hearts and stars in that spot. I went in thinking I wanted a star there, but they wouldn't do it.

They were the voice of reason. They were so right."

Dita's beauty mark tattoo is not the only tattoo she thought about getting when she was younger. She had her heart set on getting seams tattooed on the back of her legs, to show the illusion she was wearing stockings all the time. But she came to her senses and decided against it.

"In the early nineties I almost got seams (tattooed) up the back of my legs but I'm so glad I didn't. Can you imagine how hard it would be to match up the seams with real stockings? It would have been a nightmare.

At that time I was researching everything about the forties, about how during World War II women would draw seams on. I thought, 'Wouldn't that be cool?' I had them henna tattooed on, but I never went all the way."

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mr. T Cereal Box Papercraft

Although the actor Mr. T has been reduced these days to doing television commercials for World of Warcraft, back in 1984 he was popular enough to have his own brand of breakfast cereal. As if that wasn't an odd enough twist of pop culture in and of itself, the cereal also went on to be immortalized on film by none other than Pee Wee Herman in the 1985 movie Pee Wee's Big Adventure...

When I came across a scan of a Mr. T cereal box in Jason Liebig's wonderful collection of retro product packaging photos on Flickr (check it out here), I couldn't resist creating a miniature papercraft version of it. So I asked, and Mr. Liebig graciously granted me permission to use his scan for my project. The template for the cereal box papercraft includes two sizes, one at 1:3 scale and the other at 1:6 scale (just the size for Barbie dolls). The one page template may be downloaded here. And just in case you were wondering, the cereal is rumored to have tasted a lot like Cap'n Crunch. ;)

Traditional Tattoos Women For Girls

Traditional Tattoos Women For Girls
Traditional Tattoos Women For Girls
Traditional Tattoos Women For GirlsTraditional Tattoos Women For Girls

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture Gallery

Bird tattoo designs have taken precedence over all other forms and types of tattoo designs universally. Across time, space and cultures, the bird has stood as a symbol of freedom, of spirit, of soul, of beauty. Flying high in the blue skies, birds are said to be closer to the gods and the heavens, and in many cultures, are viewed as creatures that carry the spirits of the departed to the heavens above.

In the days of old, heroes were always accompanied by birds as they went in pursuit of fiends, ogres, dragons and monsters. In most tales of yore, the birds would fly ahead to spy and return to inform the hero of looming obstacles, thus bringing about the famous phrase, 'a little bird told me'!

Bird tattoos are also very popular due to their connection with religion as well as the mystical. Birds can be found in every era of history; stick figurines of birds have been discovered in the ancient Egyptian tombs in the pyramids, bedecking Arapaho Ghost Dance costumes, at African traditional rituals and weddings across all religions. Christian portrayals of cherubs and angels show them having wings, which are synonymous with birds. In almost all instances, birds are symbols of all the positive things in life, which is why many people tend to go for bird tattoo designs, especially for their first tattoos.

Generally, a bird tattoo design will consist of a pair of birds, depicted together. They tend to be opposites in characteristics; fair to dark, black to white, big to small. This merely shows the dual nature of the universe; where sadness exists, so does happiness. Where night exists, so does day. In other cases, good and evil are also portrayed by birds, for example, when we have a bird tattoo design of a bird fighting a serpent.

Decidedly, there are some implications to birds that are not completely normal. In China, the bird is called the niao, which also means penis, thereby bringing in sexual overtones into bird tattoos. Also, the double meaning of a cock as either a rooster or a penis dates back to eras past in the Rome of old. Some portrayals of birds are quite negative in impact. In Germany, to be insane can be put politely as to 'have a bird'! 'Bird-brain' is also one of the most famous insults in the Western World, although most people do not associate these negative impressions with bird tattoo designs

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 1Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 1

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 2Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 2

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 3Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 3

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 4Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 4

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 5Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 5

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 6Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 6

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 7Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 7

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 8Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 8

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 9Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 9

Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For  Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 10Amazing Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoo With Japanese Bird Tattoo On The Body Picture 10

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3D Tattoo Designs

3D Tattoo Designs, 3D Tattoos, 3D Tattoo, and I blame that movie Avatar for this hub. I was at the cinema watchin Avatar, ya know with moi 3d glasses on and jeeez in one scene I actually thought the characters foot was in my face. Until I realised it was a teenagers foot who was sitting behind me. " Oi get yer damn foot out of my face you young bugger " I said nervously.

butterfly 3d tattoo  designsbutterfly 3d tattoo designs

His girlfriend told me go get stuffed and I looked at her, she was about 17, wearing a pink lyrca tracksuit, baseball cap, pregnant belly puffin a ciggy with a t-shirt sayin " You Wish "

monkey 3D Tattoo  Designsmonkey 3D Tattoo Designs

Anyways I just ignored em and enjoyed the movie, twas such a sad ending, oopppps don't wanna spoil the endin for ya. Anyways today I have wat methinks is moi best Tattoo Hub yet, tis my Avatar Hub, tis my 3D Tattoo Designs and I brings ya like loads of cracking 3d tattoo designs plus a video at the end. Doncha just hate peeps that feed loads of popcorn into their faces at the cinema, like do they not eat at home.

spider 3D Tattoo  Designsspider 3D Tattoo Designs

Monday, May 24, 2010

Earlier today, it was the heat

bearing down on us . . . the heat like a thousand rattlesnakes hissing in the continuous burn of the sun. I slept well past noon, I shouldn't have, but when I awoke and went outside, it didn't seem to matter that I was unconscious, possessed by dreams I don't remember.

Much of my life is fixated on the missing things, what I don't have. As if projected on a screen in front of me, everywhere I go, I see what I am not, I see what I do not have.

I believe that if life is ironic in any way, it is ironic in how the things we deeply want, the things we pine for, are withheld from us at about an arm's length. What I mean by this is, in any moment your life can change, and that which you desire could easily stand before you. Not many times, but sometimes this happens, when our wishes come true and the world seems like a dream.

But for the remainder, we are nomads in the desert, experiencing mirages daily.

The heat effects the senses by a wrinkle, creasing the air until it feels like a blanket were wrapped over my head.

I have searched for objects far and near to hold my attention. Could this be related to the irony of life? That nothing ultimately holds our attention?

There is, however, a singular devotion that each of us can call our own. We become it over a lifetime, and this must be how a human soul can take on a definite form, and that form can be embedded in history.

The heat crawls, it moves across stunned windowpanes, and thick asphalt. And nothing is like the silence in summer, where the heat settles on parks and baseball diamonds, in suburban backyards, and fields of crops extending to the highway.

The heat waits, it lingers, and as it lingers, it grows, layer upon layer . . .

I'm easily distracted by the sun. It makes me want to go inside after a short while. I take refuge in the air conditioning of the hopeless cafe. Maybe I will see some more beautiful women who will avert their eyes when I look at them . . .

We remember our lives in a certain kind of narrative. That narrative proceeds from a point and moves forward. And then it drops off at the present and seems to hold that note forever, and we hear the monotonous note again and again, and that is the present.

The irony is that, as humans, we are condemned to living this incomplete dream. One part of the dream is real and the other part, unfinished. For the unfinished part, we busy ourselves with imagining new endings in countless ways. Summer abides in these moods of sweltering languor, when desire is shunned by the heat and souls are forced to move inside--

It is there I find my singular devotion. Where hours are abundant and empty, and every room reminds me of the bedroom I grew up in.

True splendor lies in recognizing the thing you've always had. All the longings, cravings, and wishes fall off like scales . . .

And while the heat is stirring outside the window, and the fields shimmering in the sun, I'm liberated inside my house, the dullest place in the land, a container of restless boredom on most days . . .

Ecstatic--because for the first time I am in possession of the part of the dream that is real.

Joker Tattoos

Joker TattoosJoker tattoos, and actually all clown tattoos have come to symbolize the humor and the hidden tragedy that often lurks behind life’s pale veil. While the clown may be seen laughing there is always the hint of sadness or sorrow that lies just underneath his facade. But, that’s where the similarities end between the joker tribal tattoos and the clown tattoo.

Joker TattoosJoker tattoo have also come to be viewed as laughing people that has at the core of their personality a sinister or evil persona. This can be seen by the Joker tattoo in the picture. It’s a very good portrait of the joker character as portrayed by Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. That character not only had a dark side to his personality but also was a sociopath. And that has almost transformed the entire joker tattoo genre.

Joker TattoosNow, individuals are getting highly exaggerated joker’s that allude to something deep, dark and potentially dangerous. It would be a perfect piece to ink into your skin. So, if your looking for a design that speaks about your fun and humorous nature yet identifies you as a force to be reckoned with then the joker tribal tattoos may be the design that you want to get.

Joker TattoosJoker Tattoos

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hawaiian Tattoos for women

Beauty Tattoos Girls Back Design

Sexy Tattoos Pictures

Phoenix tattoo

Hot Tattoos

Eagle Tattoo

Eagle tattoo designs are some of the most classic and original tattoos you could think about getting. There are so many traditional aspects to this choice. I know that many of you are probably starting you research for eagles nod related artwork on the internet. It's always a great place to start, but you will need to know some key factors about the generic art that seems to have overtaken the web.

Eagle tattooThis goes for eagle tattoo designs and any other tattoos you might be thinking about. It is more crucial for this choice because they tend to be very detailed pieces which can be very complicated. Not only do you need a great artist to ink it on you, but you will also need to be able to find the quality artwork it takes in order for it to come out perfect. Not all designs are created equal. A lot of the generic artwork out there might look good on your computer or on paper, but they won't look even 50% as good on your skin. This is the exact reason why it is necessary to find top notch eagle tattoo designs before settling o none.

You need to be diligent when trying to find your eagle tattoo designs. You can't just slump over and settle on the first thigh that looks half way decent. You need to be thoughtful and rational about your decision. Picking some generic eagle tattoo designs should not be an option that is even considered. A good, cool-headed approach is needed if you are going to be able to find exact what you want and not settle for less.

This is why you need to know that search-engines are not the unflappable places you think they are. Most of the websites you find through them (for tattoos) will be generic, cookie-cutter places that have a very large arsenal on bland artwork. Not only that, but most of what you will see there is already pasted on hundreds of other websites. There is not one bit of originality in most of the eagle tattoo design you will find there.

Here is a courteous tip that will allow you to find the quality eagle tattoo designs on the web. You will start with the generous nature of internet forums. For now, you will want to leave the search-engines to the side. Forums are not your traditional way of finding websites, but in this case, it is a sure thing. Forums are filled with people that have search endlessly for quality artwork, and when they find it,, they are more than happy to share their findings. It caught me off guard at first, but I was able to find tons of websites that search-engines ever brought me to. Most of these places have truly great artwork that you won't be able to find anywhere else, which his a good thing. Those are eagle tattoo designs that are pretty original.

Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattooEagle Tattoo

Tattoo Magazines

Whether you simply have interest in tattoos, or they play an essential function in your life, tattoo magazines are a remarkable means to get information about the contemporary artistic designs, articles about riveting tattoo artists, and everything else that's connected to tattoos.

Even while they've grown much more accepted over the last twenty years or so, with an increasing number of individuals receiving tattoos, there's all the same a sub-culture of avid hobbyists that are the primary aims of the magazines. Following the latest tattoo news isn't the only valuable feature in the tattoo magazines, though.

Tattoo MagazinesTattoo magazines are wonderful resources when it relates to searching for revolutionary tattoo ideas. Whether you're a hobbyist or a pro tattoo artist with your very own shop, you really should look over all the examples and designs of tattoos if you wish to get your creative thinking going.

Even if you think you have seen every tattoo idea feasible over the years, there's constantly something new and extraordinary shown in magazines. Some will even make your mouth drop in surprise! It might not take place all the time, but when it does, it is a remarkable feeling --- one of the crucial grounds why individuals are fascinated by tattoo art.

Another reason why these magazines are so valuable is because they show varying unique trends from all around the world. Although the internet is wonderful, there's still nothing for tattoo designers comparable to the feeling of the pages of the magazines in their hands. Gorgeous designs, interviews with tattoo artists, classified advertisements, etc: everything imaginable is featured in the magazines.

New tattoo fanciers
have much catching up to do. Tattoo magazines are remarkable for speeding up knowledge. While they might deal more with modern movements, they can sometimes also talk about the history of tattoos as well. The graphics in them is amazing, and the designs are published in perfect glossy colors. These are only a few of the many reasons why tattoo magazine issues are so popular.

Tattoo Magazines
Tattoo Magazines
Tattoo MagazinesTattoo Magazines

Doctor Who Papercraft: Cyberman Mask

Need a quick Cyberman mask? The Doctor Who Insania blog has just the thing, a printable 2D mask of one of the good doctor's most persistent enemies. Cybermen first appeared in the original Doctor Who science fiction television series in 1966 and have been plaguing the doctor ever since. A download of the mask is available here.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

When I'm at the library

I write nonsense poetry in my journal, and several hours later, try to make sense of it . . . the only way of course, is to create something, a form, a pattern of allusions and metaphors that fit the foundation no matter how small or inconsequent that structure appears to be . . .

We start with nothing and build cities, empires, or just a treehouse with your name engraved on the trap door that opens when you want to jump out of your dreams . . .

I'll go to the college library today and sit in the cool wooden cubicles for awhile, and then I'll find a chair with velvet arms and a cushion to sink into . . .

It's here that I do my writing, my contemplating, here that I get my respite from whatever it is that preoccupies me . . .

I've been coming to this library for five years now--it reminds me of the library where I went to school in upstate New York . . .

Hardly in the summer do you find anyone in here. With the exception of a tiny murmur from the students by the computers, or a door to one of the study rooms, opening and closing, the library feeds on its own silence . . .

It's almost like a church, in its effect and the way I use this building . . . I come here to be saved. Saved from the tedium of life, saved from outlandishness and isolation, saved from my own recursive folly, saved from modern self-consciousness bearing down on the soul, saved from listlessness and anxiety, saved from noise and chaos, saved from . . .

I read literature also, but the books are not entertainments, they are like an assortment of maps I collect and refer to repeatedly, hoping to locate some miserable lost treasure inside of myself . . . I read verse, fragments, essays, entering the silence, brushing against a voice here and there that I can honestly relate to . . . something that echoes

The echoes in the library are continuous whorls, projected out of the ventilating system. But it is in these echoes and between them that I can hear my thoughts padding to and fro like busy workmen on a construction site, unsure whether to begin something or just wait for the boss to arrive . . .

I'm tempted by the line I haven't written yet, it lingers just ahead and I want to meet it with something worthwhile, something worth saying . . . ah, there it goes, into emptiness.

It's easy to despair!

The Book of Disquiet names every single version of the story of despair. Many of them are wrapped around a set of daily observations . . . How could this book be my holy word? Its pages are saturated in hopelessness, every movement to every act is quivering with a deep melancholy . . . but nothing sounds more true, nothing has the flavor of this life I am living except Pessoa . . .

Innocence may then seem like an angel that has come to save me from Pessoa's waking nightmare of endless banality, ongoing tedium. If only because innocence captures the spirit before it descends into these morbid fascinations and cynical spirals . . .

An objective eye can see the soul is lit by purpose. The animating force of the limbs--the activity of the mind--stirs with a single purpose.

Mine is to write in my journal, and then to transform these awkward ramblings into a page of clarity, to turn the nonsense into sense; it's all nonsense in our heads, but with reflection and serious study, we can create a form of expression . . .

If I could extract a story out of this, I would . . . my interactions today have been minimal. Threads of narrative stretch back to infancy, and we can pick them up wherever we like, but sometimes it's best to leave the stories where they're at, and build little garden walls around them.

I get my inspiration from these shut books demanding to be opened by the soul who needs them the most. I buy these books in used-bookstores, or I take them out of the library and return them when I'm done. I collect books compulsively, and many of them just sit on a shelf until the time comes to open them and see whether they'll do me any good as maps. My library at home reaches up to the ceiling . . .

I always have two or three books in my company, like good mentors. Even if my mentors are cranky old men, like Pessoa, I cherish them. They are the keys to my expression, my innocence.

Cool Tattoos

Hunting For Great Designs

Cool TattoosThere are tens of thousands of cool tattoos for girls on the internet. It's too bad that 9 out of ten women will never even find 10% of the truly great ones, though. Why aren't; they finding the good artwork? Because most people will simply rely on search engines to find it and they don't bring up many quality tattoo galleries, at all. Well, here are quick tips which can help you find tons of the cool tattoos you've been bypassing.

You can continue to use search engines if you truly want to. Just make sure you have a lot of patience and a lot of time on your hands, because it can take quite a while to weed through the tattoo galleries. There are so many of them out there and this is all search engines usually pull up when looking for cool tattoos for girls. Sure, you can find a diamond in the rough, but be prepared to look a little longer.

This is hard for most people, because we live in a world ruled by instant gratification. We want everything "right now". This is a horrible trait to carry when you are looking for cool tattoos for girls. This is what makes women rush into a decision and settle on a design they only "sort of" like. A tattoo will be on you for the rest of your life, so why wouldn't you want to take the time to find exactly what you want? It just makes sense.

Since search engines don't help you find the cool tattoos for girls that you are after, you will need an alternative method of finding them. The best alternative happens to be internet forums. Why? Because they are filled with real live people and these people have real thoughts and opinions. The great thing about the bigger forums is that they are always sizzling with topics about tattoo artwork. You can stick you head into all of the past topics and come away with a slew of links that women post. They have found the cool tattoos for girls and the galleries that have them. You simply take what they've found and the rest is pretty easy.

This isn't to say that you should now pick something in the next ten minutes and get it inked. No matter where you go, you should always take a bit of time to make sure you get the "exact" tattoo you want. There is a difference between cool tattoos for girls and getting a tattoo that you want. Don't get something simply because it's the new fad, or because other girls think it's good.

Cool Tattoos
Cool TattoosCool TattoosCool  Tattoos cool tattoos