Friday, April 30, 2010

Wolfenstein Papercraft: Tesla Gun

The first 3D first person shooter computer game I can remember playing was Wolfenstein 3D. This papercraft Tesla gun comes from the 2001 remake of the game, Return to Castle Wolfenstein. In both games the storyline involves an American soldier who attempts to escape from an underground Nazi research facility during World War 2. The Tesla gun comes in handy in the escape attempt as it fires bolts of electricity that fry enemies. This scaled down papercraft model of the gun was created by German industrial design student, Jan Kapischke. A template may be downloaded here.

Dude w/ Pair of Anchors on Arms Tattoo

Simple pair of matching anchors in black ink. Kinda a Popeye placement on the forearms.

Colorful Anchor and Skull Design Tattoo

Brightly colored yellow anchor with diamond, a ruffled pattern, rays and skull in profile. Nice.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nintendo Papercraft: Toad Paper Toy

Toad is a character who has appeared in numerous Nintendo video games. He lives in the Mushroom Kingdom and is one of Princess Peach's most loyal servants. This paper toy Toad was originally posted on a Japanese website as late as 2006, but sadly the web page is no longer up. Fortunately, Denise at the "Oh! Crafty Me" blog has a copy available for download. Go to her page here and look for the link near the bottom of the page to get the template.

Angel Tattoo Designs Are Perfect Blend of Beauty And Significance

Popular Angel Tattoos
There are several types of angel tattoo designs that one can opt for as per their preference and choice. Moreover, a tattoo enthusiast can also go for a customized design to create a unique look. Following are some of the most common angel tattoo designs that are often sported by tattoo enthusiasts:
Cherub Angel Tattoo: It is the one of the most common and popular angel designs. The tattoo depicts a winged creature, usually seated on clouds with a trumpet or bow in hand. It is associated with cupid and is hence considered to be a messenger of love.
Guardian Angel tattoo: This tattoo is considered as a symbol of guardianship that ensures care and protection. People sporting a guardian angle tattoo often feel that they have a guardian angel with them all the time that will take care of them.

Apt Placement of Angel Tattoos

The placement for an angel tattoo varies from person to person. While in most cases men opt for upper arm, chest and shoulders, women go for abdomen. An extensive, full-sized angel tattoo is often done on the back that looks really attractive.

Though one can go for any part for the design, but there are some positions like wrists and foot that are usually not selected for an angel tattoo.

video tattoo

Women Hibiscus Flower Tattoo Design

The Hibiscus is one of the few tropical flowers that are native to Hawaii. The yellow ma'o hau hele hibiscus is the state flower. There are a variety of colors to choose from: white, pink, red, lavender, green, blue, yellow, and orange. A hibiscus flower worn behind the ear of single Hawaiian women represents that she is ready to find a partner for marriage. The traditional meaning of the hibiscus is delicate beauty which could make a great Hawaiian flower tattoo.

Hawaiian flower tattoos

Hawaiian flower tattoos can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. Get familiar with Hawaiian flowers and what they can symbolize.

Tattoo Art spotlight

tattoo magazines

On the web you'll basically accept a best amid chargeless galleries and sites that allegation for their designs. You can acquisition some abundant being on the chargeless sites, but you'll accept to attract your way through a lot of not so acceptable designs to acquisition it. The paid sites usually accept more good quality, able designs, so for a baby fee you can save yourself a lot of time and go beeline for the best work. Added options for award designs accommodate tattoo magazines and conventions, and allotment assignment anon from the artist.

Tattoo Art Designs

Go to any tattoo flat or browse the abounding tattoo-related sites online, and you'll acquisition beam art depicting angels, animals, flowers, fantasy subjects, animal figures, symbols, zodiac signs, cartoons, Celtic and added affiliated designs, birds, fairies, monsters, ghosts, insects, kanji, hearts, suns and abounding added capacity too. The styles in which they're fatigued alter abundantly too, from basal to abundant added adorned - there absolutely is article to clothing every taste.

So, there's affluence of abundant tattoo art to accept from, so don't aloof aces the aboriginal architecture that catches your eye - attending about and analysis out what's accessible both online and off. You can appointment your bounded tattoo shops to see what's accessible there, but you'll acquisition a abundant greater array of artwork online.

TATTOO Design Remove Tattoo

Tattoo Art has been producing high quality tattoo designs for professional tattoo artists for over twenty years. No one has been at this longer! Tattoo Art was the first to provide a working outline for the tattoo artist to use as a tattoo stencil pattern. Tattoo artists worldwide depend on our company to provide the original art their customers demand, and we deliver!

Now, Tattoo Art can deliver those same classic tattoo designs directly to you. Whether it’s tribal, old school, zodiac, panthers, roses, or anything else, just choose the tattoo design that’s perfect for you and download it right to your computer.

Tattoo Art

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tribal Tattoos

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Tribal arm Tattoo ideas

Tribal tattoos, as the name implies, originated among Native American tribes and date back to over 5,000 years. Perhaps they are so prevalent among fraternity brothers due to the fact that the tattoos were originally applied to show loyalty to a particular tribe in native lands.

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Tribal Tattoo, tattoo ideas

Tattoos were also used to display a person's caste status, wealth, role in the tribe, even to document his brave deeds or societal contributions. They also served a purpose when it came to traveling, tribal tattoos clearly identified a stranger as belonging to a neighboring sect and detailed what rank he held.

Later on, tattoos were used to create scenes on the body depicting battles the tribe member took place in. They were also used as memorials for loved ones who had passed away, their memory honored in the form of a soaring eagle.

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Tribal Tattoo ideas for girls

Tattoos were certainly not limited to Native Americans, however. The Yokuts of California used body modification to call attention to the location of a person's supernatural power; the indigenous tribes of New Zealand, Africa, Central America and Hawaii also practiced the art of tattooing.

Religious Tattoos

The idea of religious tattoos may seem counterintuitive, for several reasons – not only is tattooing prohibited by some religions, such as Orthodox Judaism, but until recently, tattoos were associated with a vaguely disreputable counterculture that seems at odds with religion.

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Religious Tattoos

However, religious symbols – Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Islam or otherwise – are actually quite common tattoo designs. It might surprise you that about 25% of all tattoos in America have a religious meaning

Tattoo Design Picture

While searching for a location on the body to get a tattoo, most women choose the hip as it is deemed one of the ‘sexiest’ areas on the body to get inked. While choosing a

The Best Angel Tattoo Gallery

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Taking off the Mask: Essays Volume I

The Blog of Innocence was started in 2008 with the motivating desire to write essays and meditations on a broad spectrum of topics that intimately concerned me. The title of “Innocence” is a partial response to Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet. Whereas Pessoa’s writings center on an imaginative cynicism, I sought to create essays that would appeal to just the opposite.

The sense I wanted to convey about myself and the world was a simple questioning and naivety toward material reality and experience. I don’t go in for any postmodern tricks here, but rather I seek to return to a state where cleverness and sophistication are alien and not very useful to understanding ourselves. I want to experience not knowing, so I can further discover something.

You will see many references to The Blog of Innocence in these essays; this is because the essays were originally posted on my blog. There will be four volumes of essays available as eBooks, each covering a different subject area. This first volume, entitled Taking off the Mask, concerns life and culture. The next volume will be concerned with art. The volume after that will be concerned with technology and the web. And the last volume will be concerned with literature and writing.

My sincerest wish is that you take something from these words of mine. Writing is the closest thing to my heart. It is the way I commune with others, and myself.

Taking Off the Mask: Essays Volume I

A Synth Tattoo Gallery

And if one of these tats is yours, leave a comment with your synth tat story!

Female Tattoo Gallery - Hot Tattoos Especially For Women

Normally female tattoos or feminine designed tattoos that are usually found in female tattoo gallery are becoming increasingly familiar and favored by women. This is largely due to the many celebrities who publicly sported tattoos that caused it to be more socially acceptable.

Selecting a tattoo design

Welcome Tattoos Pictures is a free online photo gallery and community for Tattoo Pictures. and Design Images for everybody. Photos of Celtic Tribal and Asian Tattoos. Tattoo Picture Designs and Body Art Categories listed below. Picture Gallery tattoos pictures , tattoos pics ,tattoo pictures , tattoo picture , pictures of tattoos ,tribal tattoos pictures ,cross tattoo pictures , flower tattoo pictures Latest Tattoo Pictures These are the most recent tattoo pictures added to the gallery.

tattoos zone

Tattoo Designs For Sexy Girl With Japanese Tattoo Design Gallery

New Temporary Tattoo Gallery

You can design and create your own temporary tattoo if you do not want a permanent one. You can use your temporary tattoo for parties, shows or even just for fun. There are temporary tattoo kits that are available on the market.

A Synth Tattoo Gallery

Synthgear has put together a gallery of synth tattoos, like this awesome monome tat and the Moog Minimoog tattoo, below.

If you’ve got an awesome synth tattoo, leave a link in the comments. If you’ve got a nasty photo of your half-naked hairy body sporting an irritated, splotchy tattoo, wait a week or two and take another picture.

Free New Tattoo

Nowadays, you can really get many good tattoo designs and customized pieces that tattoo artists can do. So don't be tempted to get those tattoos designs that will date really fast and end up looking sloppy.

Usually female tattoos in any female tattoo gallery are very sexy and hot. Just do a search for "female tattoos" on the internet and you can get more ideas regarding these tattoo designs.

Tattoos Gallery

Tattoo Design

Find More tattoo designs on Tattoo Gallery

Looking the beautifully of tattoo design in here, Tattoo gallery give you more idea about tattoo design. See it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cool tattoos on sexy skin

Cool tattoo designs make girls more sexy

With the Passage of Time

Julie Heffernan, Self-Portrait as Broken Home

Throughout the course of a day, many battles are fought. The mere fact of having a physical body creates stress--whether in the form of exhaustion, bouts of emotion, anxiety. But the alternative, floating around in some amoeba-like wavy film, doesn't sound any more appealing.

And so we have this body. I've been a bit unhappy with my body--now into my thirties, I lack the motivation to lose the weight I've gained in the last year. This requires discipline and for a long time, I've avoided the necessary restraint to curb my appetites.

I wonder if as we get older we lose certain motivations. I'm obsessive about writing, reading, and my work--those things seem to motivate me to a fault--but the care of the body, once a concern, no longer matters.

I'm sort of embarrassed to say that I don't care for my body as I once did. Because the real reason for this is I don't have anyone to impress. There are no women I'm trying to woo, or otherwise get their attention, have dinner with, etc.

Since my late twenties, I've socialized less and less, and my circle of intimates has narrowed.

By choosing to marry, you can prevent the circumstances I've just described. You may be lonely in another sense, but you'll never feel isolated. If anything (and I'm speculating here because I'm not married), you'll feel crowded or as my mother used to put it, "I feel like I'm drowning."

My mother was a fierce individualist, an artist, and not really suited to raising a family or having children. But she did and I acquired many of her traits for contemplation, creativity, solitude and private work.

She used to keep journals in her art studio, many of them handmade. She bound her own sketchbooks and journals. I remember seeing the half-cut fabrics in the laundry room beside reams of thread. But she stored her journals downstairs, in a chest of drawers. My mother's art studio had immaculate white walls and was filled with repurposed furniture and random objects cluttering the floor.

She created scenes with the furniture, rugs, or whatever she found around the house. Her models sat under giant flood lights, and for hours my mother would stand at a canvas and translate this imaginary situation into a painting. The window of her studio regularly appeared in her paintings, with a view of our suburban enclave, a privileged world protected by a gate.

It was a beautifully landscaped, dead conglomerate of houses. The houses were so big and set apart that it was an inconvenience to visit people. You would have to drive to their house just to say hello.

As a teenager, the vastness of the subdivision inspired many adventures on my bike. I charted the territory available to me. Originally a golf course, which had been transformed into a gated community, there were several large ponds, always with a great deal of Canadian geese squawking and shitting in the grass. I remember the exact color of the grass on most days. It was dark green. Around the ponds were massive weeping willow trees and I used to stand on the tops of the roots jutting out of the ground. Sometimes there were nooks in the bottom branches, where you could sit and watch the cars go by.

The grounds of the Midwest Club, where I lived, were expansive. Cul de sacs snaking up hills, and new houses always being built, large, preposterous modern ones. I used to to explore the construction sites with a friend, and we collected those bottle-cap things. The little metal caps were scattered in the sawdust, and we filled our pockets with them.

The basements, I recall. Most basements of the houses we couldn't go down into; there wasn't a staircase built yet. But we peered into the gaping hole that extended into shadows and frameworks for rooms. We marveled at this part of the house, I imagine, because it was so inaccessible.

In time, every basement we peered into would become a finished one, with lush carpets and modern cooling devices to keep the temperature just right. Some of the basements would be equipped with small movie theaters or bowling alleys. The general rule of the place where I lived was that every year a newer, more elaborate house would be built. The new house in the subdivision with a waterfall, indoor gardens, and running streams, would inevitably provoke gossip and cause the other residents to look with envy as they drove back to their humble, dated mansions.

This probably explains why I wanted to spend so much of my later adolescence outside of the house, and the neighborhood, for that matter. Our environments undoubtedly shape our personalities, and when I was younger, I remember being by myself a lot. Whether it was amid the vastness of the gated community or sequestered inside my own large house, it was a common experience that repeated itself.

It seems I had more friends when I was younger, but at every stage of my life I've felt a disconnect between myself and others. I felt this even when I had made friends in high school or college; my friendships were always private and never in large groups. They were also tenuous. When a friend was accepted into a larger group, I was usually left on my own. I'm not wallowing here--that's just how things turned out for me. And I kind of liked being by myself.

Of course, a part of us desires what we don't have, and so, I did long for acceptance and to be part of a larger group. But my personality never allowed for it. Another way to put this is I didn't fit in.

And now that I'm thirty years old, soon to be thirty-one, I'm slowly recognizing why things are the way they are for me.

We tend to forget the past, and how we developed into individuals. I feel stuck when I forget my past, like a coma has obscured some vital reference points. And these instances of my separation from others, where I lived, how I grew up, describe my tendency toward contemplation and creativity, as opposed to other forms of immersion, like social immersion, which has always made me slightly uncomfortable.

I understand why I'm on my own, and it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I've always wanted this, even though I may have pretended otherwise.

Every choice in life implies the loss of another. Since I was very young, I chose to cultivate my interior world. And that's where my poems come from, and these essays.

Strangely enough, when I write these essays, I'm consciously reaching out to the world. The fact that my interiority changes to its opposite makes me think that while we're always "on our own," we also have this place to meet others, through language and art. It's a wonderful hidden doorway, and I'm passing through it a lot these days.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Half-Life 2 Papercraft: HEV Suit Shin Armor

For most of Half-Life 2, a Mark V HEV suit is worn by Dr. Gordon Freeman, the main character of the video game. HEV is an acronym for "Hazardous EnVironment", so in the game the suit was designed to be worn by scientists when handling hazardous materials in a laboratory environment. The suit consists of a body glove covered by various pieces of armor. I received a request a while back to do a full size papercraft HEV suit. My hectic work schedule of late prevented me from releasing any of it before now, but the first piece is finally complete! Over the coming months I will attempt to release the various pieces of armor that make up the HEV suit. First up is the "shin armor". The template info for it is as follows:

Scale 1:1
Finished size: 20.5" (52.2 cm) x 7.7" (19.5 cm) x 6.1" (15.5 cm)
Number of pages: 10
Number of parts: 30
Difficulty: 3/5

The template for the shin armor is based on the right leg of a 3D model from the game. The paper model is symmetrical enough that it can be worn on either leg, but if anyone is a stickler for detail and would like a reversed template for the left leg, send me an e-mail request. I tried on the test build of the shin armor and it was almost an exact fit. However, I am 5'11" (180cm) tall, so someone of a different height may need to modify the template in order to get it to fit correctly.

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Nice Japanese Tattoos With Image Japanese Fish Tattoo Designs Especially Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo For Female Tattoo Picture Gallery

Nice Tattoos have become a habit since the ancient times and has served as symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, a sign of status and rank as well as signs of outcasts, slaves and prisoners. Symbolism varies in different countries and cultures. Today, people choose to have cosmetic and tattoos for sentimental reasons, a form of self representation and identification with particular groups.

Among the different designs available, koi fish tattoos become more popular with men and women, probably because of its mystical symbolism. Koi fish is actually a type of goldfish that were bred specifically to have a wild and brilliant color scheme, with general symbolic meaning of luck. In Japanese folklore, the koi represents overcoming obstacles as told in a legend where koi swim along the Yellow river upstream will magically turn into a dragon. This is clearly an emphasis on overcoming adversity in life.

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