
Template Info
Scale: 1:6
Finished Size: 8.5" (21.6 cm)
Number of sheets: 2
Number of parts: 9
Difficulty: 2/5
Previous Marvel Comics papercraft:
Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer
Blink's Quiver
Doctor Strange's Eye of Agamotto
Spider-Man Mask
I believe that from the artist’s perspective, today’s art must presuppose copying. If you are making art that you expect people not to copy, then you are not making contemporary art.A bold claim; it places the activity of copying at the center of contemporary art-making. I struggled with this at first. Maybe I was in denial, but I didn’t want to believe that “copying” could be the prevailing zeitgeist. After several days researching and writing this essay, I’m coming to see the light of our Xerox-infatuated culture . . .
The ideal postmodernist novel will somehow rise above the quarrel between realism and irrealism, formalism and ‘contentism’, pure and committed literature” to combine the most vital aspects of past literatures.(1)The exact terms that Barth uses are not as important as his idea of synthesis. I believe contemporary art, and specifically contemporary fiction, sees itself as a synthesis of genres, styles, approaches, materials, and modes. This has to do with the tendency in contemporary art to distrust “totalizing mechanisms” and “grand narratives”, and instead to employ ironic juxtaposition, pastiche (mixing high and low art), and imbuing works with a naïve sense of playfulness.(2)
Foot tattoo of a beautiful hibiscus flower and Hawaiian honu turtle. The turtle is colored heavily in black ink creating a great tribal look while the hibiscus is tattooed and shaded with a pink tone that brings good contrast to the overall design. Nice tat!
"Foot Tattoos: Hibiscus and Turtle Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Las Vegas Tattoos by Jon Poulson.
Honu with Hybiscus flower tattoo by Jon Poulson
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Cute tribal butterflies & a small tribal dragonfly tattoo.
"Tribal Butterflies" Tattoo originally uploaded by Diogo Araujo.
A real conversation with a friend (or friend-of-friend) can be much more helpful than searching the web — all the knowledge and experience in people’s heads can’t be put on a web page!The idea is that if this person is connected to you somehow they will be more reliable and more relevant. But people who ask questions on Yahoo! Answers, the most popular Q&A social media site on the Internet, get a faster response because there are so many people online to answer the question, and the archives cover a vast storehouse of previously answered questions.
Am I too pessimistic for my age?
I'm 15 and I don't believe inI had nothing to do, so I thought I would answer her question. Why not? At her age, I could have used an answer to that question.
-true love
-love at first site
-the perfect man/woman
-soul mates
honestly, there's no solid proof that any of these things exist and I just can't find a way to let myself believe in them.
So I kinda feel...empty.
You will feel this way your entire life. Some days you will forget, but you will always return to this feeling.The unique ability to tap into a diversity of opinions is the essential character of the Internet. Q&A sites are popular for this reason alone. A service like Yahoo! Answers or Aardvark can really help a person. You know the feeling of wanting desperately to know the answer to something.
Every human being feels this way. It is part of what it means to be human.
Don't get overly hung up on it.
Use the feeling of emptiness as a positive motivation to make your life mean something.
If you start out with nothing, then you always have the potential to be something.
If on the other hand you start out with everything, you have everything, feel everything wonderful, then what is there left to do?
So emptiness is good. Even if it feels lonely sometimes, it's good.
I look at this feeling of emptiness, loneliness, boredom, etc. as an advantage.
When there is less water in the cup, there is more room. Beliefs are like stones in a cup of water, the more stones, the less room. So not having set, fixed, rigid beliefs actually turns out to be a good thing!
Feelings come and go. You'll always have time on your hands. How will you spend it?
That's up to you.
Your optimism or pessimism will usually depend on something. Sometimes we think of things in a positive light, sometimes in a negative light. Some people are pessimistic by temperament; others optimistic.
There is nothing wrong with being pessimistic. And, on the other hand, optimism is not always good.
You may not have a belief system now, but someday you will. You will have a belief system if you're religious, secular, or not thinking about "existence" at all. You will come to believe in certain things.
You just haven't lived long enough to believe that strongly one way or another about these ideas.
Proof is always riddled with error. You will never have proof, but you will come to believe in things.
You're telling a story about the world and your experience in the world.
It will always be a story.
"Every man believes he's in possession of the truth."
One of my favorite writers said that. Robert Musil, in his opus, The Man without Qualities.
If you want to exercise your mind, read that book.
Awesome tattoo sleeves high quality work, very detailed design overall.
"Tattoo Sleeves" Tattoo, originally uploaded by skeletonandkey.
The one on the left side (my right arm) is Christy Brooker at Artcore Studios in Seattle, Washington. Christy completed this sleeve at the beginning of December 2008, almost exactly one year since she had started. As you can tell in this photo, it all looks very new and I still have some Burt's Bees Hand Salve on it.
The one on the right side (my left arm) is Victor Policheri from when he was working at Apocalypse Tattoo in Seattle, Washington. We started it in, I want to say the end of 2004 or maybe early 2005, and completed it 2 years later.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
"Vampire Bite Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Las Vegas Tattoos by Jon Poulson.
Vampire Bite Tattoo by Jon Poulson
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
Exposure To Organic SolventsI wondered if my mother was self-medicating because, as an oil painter, she was exposed to many toxins. But my father sent me a curt reply: “No, your mother was not self-medicating.”
Chronic exposure to organic solvents in the work environment can produce a range of adverse neuropsychiatric effects. Occupational exposure to organic solvents can lead to alcoholism with higher numbers of painters for example suffering from alcoholism. It is possible that a small number of alcoholics are self medicating the toxic effects of organic solvents albeit with another toxic substance alcohol.
Oh my human brothers, let me tell you how it happened. I am not your brother, you'll retort, and I don't want to know. And it certainly is true that this is a bleak story, but an edifying one too, a real morality play, I assure you. You might find it a bit long--a lot of things happened, after all--but perhaps you're not in too much of a hurry; with a little luck you'll have some time to spare. And also, this concerns you; you'll see that this concerns you. Don't think I am trying to convince you of anything; after all, your opinions are your own business. If after all these years I've made up my mind to write, it's to set the record straight for myself, not for you. For a long time we crawl on this earth like caterpillars, waiting for the splendid, diaphanous butterfly we bear within ourselves. And then times passes and the nymph stage never comes, we remain larvae--what do we do with such an appalling realization? Suicide, of course, is always an option. But to tell the truth suicide doesn't tempt me much.The "bold" lettering is mine. You can see now why this novel caught my attention. It was the voice of the narrator who instantly seduced me into wanting to know more about his particular troubles and woes, but even more than that I believe it was the narrator's self-knowledge that compelled me to pick up the book and bring it over to the small tables in the cafe where I set down my coffee and continued reading.
Ask yourselves: You, yourselves, what do you think of, through the course of a day? Very few things, actually. Drawing up a systematic classification of your everyday thoughts would be easy: practical or mechanical thoughts, planning your actions and your time (example: setting the coffee to drip before brushing your teeth, but toasting the bread afterward, since it doesn't take as long); work preoccupations; financial anxieties; domestic problems; sexual fantasies. I'll spare you the details. At dinner, you contemplate the aging face of your wife, so much less exciting than your mistress, but a fine woman otherwise, what can you do, that's life, so you talk about the latest government scandal. Actually, you couldn't care less about the latest government scandal, but what else is there to talk about? Eliminate those kinds of thoughts, and you'll agree there's not much left.This is a controversial novel. If I previously thought that Michael Jackson was the supreme archetype to my theme of innocence, then Littell has just upped the ante. In the clever guise of a memoir, the novel tells the story of a former SS officer who witnessed the massacres of the Holocaust. He also, we would assume, took part in these massacres; and gave the orders to carry them out.
Once again, let us be clear: I am not trying to say I am not guilty of this or that. I'm guilty, you're not, fine. But you should be able to admit to yourselves that you might also have done what I did.I'm not even finished with the first chapter when a troubling philosophical thought arises. If this narrator is the quintessential anti-hero--a Nazi--then how is it possible that I identify with him as a man?
If you run after things, nothing will come to you. Let things run after you. The sea never sends an invitation to the rivers. That's why they run to the sea. The sea is content. It doesn't want anything. That's the secret in life.A magical and lovely idea . . . "Let things run after you." Happiness is not something you pursue; happiness is something that pursues you.
Here is a "Sailor Jerry" old school design featuring a small dragon tattoo.
"Sailor Jerry Dragon Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by Tattoo Tom.
Here is a closeup of the Sailor Jerry Flash design of a dragon on my shoulder.
Tattoo by Terri Morgan, Socal Tattoo, San Pedro, California. Tattoo was just done on 01/24/07.
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Back tattoo design of purple lotus flowers and butterfly tattoo.
"Lotus Flowers & Butterfly Tattoo" Tattoo, originally uploaded by red bunny.
Technorati Tags: tattoo,tattoos, tattoo ideas, tattoo designs, tatoos, tattos
He was different from all the other celebrities. He dressed different. He looked different. He even walked different. He did it backwards. And he aged backwards too, or at least he tried to. And that was the great tragedy of his life. His youth had been sacrificed to the music industry, spent in recording studios, and dealing with the trappings of fame. He would spend the rest of his life trying to recapture that innocence, receding into the William Randolph Hearst-like seclusion of Neverland Ranch, seeking for his own Rosebud. He surrounded himself with candy, toys, and other children, with whom he would never have normal relationships. Beginning in the early nineties, accusations of child molestation and troubling reports about his private life would overshadow even his own sublime music.I was poking fun at Vanity Fair for reducing Michael Jackson's entire life to a psychological drama of lost youth. However, this sort of mythologizing is common when we are trying to understand a larger-than-life figure. There may be some truth to what Vanity Fair is saying here, but definitely not enough to put on a man's gravestone. "In Memoriam" means "in memory of" in Latin.